As we get closer and closer to 2019, the need to properly waltz into the next 12 months seems like a healthy place to start. So let’s start with the time signature for a waltz, which is ¾; has a dance feel of 123, 123,123, and from a musician’s view, three beats per measure. All of this to establish a relevant “feel” for this Scratch, which is ¾. In working and playing with others, the ¾ model is quite helpful, especially when we are defining or redefining the boundaries of how we might more effectively relate to others in 2019. Thus our “waltz” begins: First the 3: Understand, Accept and Involve over 4: Be impeccable with your words and thoughts; Take nothing personal; Make no assumptions; and Always do your very best.

The “3” of this fraction suggests a clear framework for knowing and engaging with others. Understand them for who they are based on what you know and experience every day. If they are loud, soft, rough or smooth, that is who they are. So, get over it and accept them for that. Acceptance comes from the heart. It validates a person’s visible self. Next , decide on the level of Involvement that you are willing to invest/risk. Make a choice on how involved you need/want to be. Don’t judge, just get in the water as deep as you choose to stand, wade, tread or swim. The “4”, for which I take no credit, and humbly paraphrase from Miguel Ruiz, of true Toltec Indian descent, are “The 4 Agreements” from Ruiz’s book of the same name. I see them as valid steps to involvement with all people. Impeccably chosen kind words can frame a moment or an entire day for any of us at any time. And responding without a personal interpretation, but one that is equally respectful and objective sets the stage for an assumption free path forward which can and should always be grounded in our very best effort. What other effort would we want to give with our name, words and thoughts on it.

So maybe a stretch for the dance metaphor, but a waltz is still a waltz when you are dancing with someone or someones, which we will all be doing a lot of for the rest of the holidays as well as the New Year and beyond. My hope is that we keep the ¾ groove as we dance our way through 2019 and beyond. We are all dancers and partners, and its time we know and accept that. The best of New Years’ to you all. Mike