My Spot in the Tunnel!

For me the proverbial and eternal optimist, there is always some form of light at the end of the tunnel. Today, with COVID 19, we are all somewhere in that tunnel, and as my wife and best friend of near 42 years reminded me. Some see the light in the distance and some...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!!!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!! This is a RARE day indeed! Despite the events surrounding us: down markets; a serious Pandemic at all of our doorsteps; media flame throwing; political name calling & blaming; and a ballooning scarcity of things that wipe...

Scratch # 1, 2021 What’s next? 

Given Covid 19, and all of the upheaval of our accelerated use of technology, both informational, emotional and social, This flurry of change is creating a virtual gold mine of opportunities that we can intentionally morph into tools and practices that will make the...

Blinks and Scratches!

Good afternoon one and all! Thought it might be fun to offer a few comments on a few interesting “reads” that I have encountered over the past few years. Reading well doesn’t mean lots of pages and tons of words. It does mean getting the most out of your eyeball...

George’s Rules, lessons from the past,

For those of you that have attended one of my workshops in the past 3 years, you have probably heard me speak of George Wythe. He was a long-time resident of Williamsburg, Va. a legal scholar; a teacher & mentor; a patriot; and a signer of the Declaration of...