If I had to answer that question 3 weeks ago, I would have struggled to do so. Now, I know that at least some treasures are both infinite and completely inexhaustible. This lesson was flawlessly instructed by my oldest son, who gave all and more than he had to enrich the last 40 days of his cancer ridden cat’s life. Both my wife and I heard, felt and saw his compassion from a distance of 1,000 miles and experienced it first hand when we returned home. There was no end to his expression of love. There was no time he wouldn’t devote; no task he wouldn’t do; no tear he wouldn’t shed: or no comfort he wouldn’t show. Of him, I am so very proud. His grandfather, my Dad, Charlie B. did this for his wife of 40+ years as she left us. Thankfully, the apple fell where it did. I love you Dad. I love you son.