So let me tell you what has happened since then…
That was then, this is now.
More on Less is more.

Monday, November, 5th, 2018!
Then there is the customer service aspect of this discussion about more and less!! I am not condemning technology or anyone associated with it. I work with lots of IT folks who admittedly tell me that their intuitive outlook is to make the simple complex. Far be it to let a match just be a match and light a candle. It must be more combustible, burn longer and be multi surface sensitive for better striking. Improvement, yea!! Too many complex details, not for me.

This is not a condemnation of “moreism”. Nor is it one of technogistas. My fear is that while More is inevitable and predictable, Less is at risk of becoming a memory if not a novelty. “Back in the day” is/was not so bad.

And so it is November 5th, 2018 and I am writing about a few less is more events that happened to me just this morning and last week. I have recently embarked on a paperless crusade to minimize the “stuffings” in our mailbox. In the past 3 weeks, I have had a similar experience with three different utility service companies, as I am sure some of you have also had.

Due to slow or stagnant internet performance, I was guided to a place where it was suggested that I call the customer service department, but was not conveniently provided a phone number to do so. After a lengthy safari through the various convoluted web jungles, a number was uncovered. As I went from less to more and more again, I finally was able to go paperless, but not after a minimum of 60 to 90 minutes of telephone meditation, while holding and listening to ghastly techno-music. So what should have been a relatively short telephone trip(less), turned into 3 distracted interludes of 65, 80 & 90 minutes (more). More showed up when I least expected it and I am more wise for it. So as an observer of process, I do think Less has a place in the formula for a good life, and it opens another door for us to explore three more of my favorite concepts, “Simple, Little, and Small” which we will explore next time. So, so long for now. M