Given Covid 19, and all of the upheaval of our accelerated use of technology, both informational, emotional and social, This flurry of change is creating a virtual gold mine of opportunities that we can intentionally morph into tools and practices that will make the rest of our life better for much time to come. Things like Zoom, Video Calls, Microsoft Teams are revolutionizing the workplace and the work effort. Home shopping programs are creating new “pop up” food places, and YouTube should apply for Division 2 University status.  Our lives will be drastically better and different just 12 months from now. We just need to be open to “new” and responsive to “new and different”. Especially us older folks, who come from places of tradition and history. We aren’t technologically stupid, we are just a tad behind in what we know and how we choose to learn it. There are few challenges we cannot muster and ultimately master. There are two factors that stand in our way: 1,  Our own under confidence and 2, The impatience of youth along with a “do it for you” sense of caring. We all remember teaching a child or grandchild how to ride a bike. It wasn’t easy or quick, and it was fraught with “moments” of great anxiety and breathlessness, but when it was done, smiles were abundant as dandelion seeds in spring, and the lesson was never taught again. So folks in the know, give us a little time, attention, and patience, and, do the same for yourselves as well, and let’s master what we do and don’t know together. Anybody know how to fix a dishwasher door or solder a pipe?