Scratch #2, Curiosity didn’t kill the cat, it only made her better!

At least that is the way I see it. The reverse of this cautious conclusion, came from playwright Ben Johnson in 1598. William Shakespeare was said to have uttered these words in one of Johnson’s plays. If we were still choosing to abide by this by this limiting philosophy, I wonder what opportunities might have been missed. Microsoft, Intel, Google, Amazon, and many other “garage” operations might never have been born and prospered. World records would still remain unbroken by the likes of Michael Phelps, Hussein Bolt, and others like them.

So here’s to the intuitively curious thinkers, who are constantly wondering and asking “why”, looking under every rock in the stream, and innocently asking the proverbial “stupid” question. Someone has to prowl through the attic looking for tidbits and treasures. Folks who are wired this way, look beyond, behind, above, and outside to find and celebrate the obscure, the different and the weird. They welcome “change” as if it were an old friend.

Not all of us have this intuitive capacity, and we should accept those that do as scouts of ideas and newness. We can learn from their intuitive curiosity and gain confidence to try and sometimes succeed or fail from this powerful personal trait. Try being open to the absurd and let your CURIOSITY flow and grow the next time you have a chance. Brain Training is where this starts.

How are you and being a Cat? Try it and see. Meow!?

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