How much love can there be?

If I had to answer that question 3 weeks ago, I would have struggled to do so. Now, I know that at least some treasures are both infinite and completely inexhaustible. This lesson was flawlessly instructed by my oldest son, who gave all and more than he had to enrich...

What a decade

In 1964, we got to “Meet the Beatles”, and what a joy that turned out to be? Their message was, is, and will be prophetic, comforting and inspiring. “All You Need is Love”; “Listen, Do You Want to Know a Secret”; “Give Peace a Chance”; “Let it Be”; “Help”; and “A Hard...

Can you whittle with a scalpel

The primary answer is “Yes.”, but please review and renew your assumptions and your expectations. The primary definition of the word, “whittle” is to, “carve an object) from wood by repeatedly cutting small slices from it.”, which a scalpel guided by a skilled hand...

Take the Time. It’s yours to invest!

Time is one of the few gifts of which we get the same  amount of everyday. 86,400 seconds show up in our experience inventory every 12:01am of the next day. Yet we somehow squander, overspend, ignore or otherwise waste this invaluable resource doing other things. We...

Don’t Forget….!

As I was listening to one of my favorite poets, William Joel of the Bronx, NY, I was reminded of his inspiring song, about our “2d Wind”. Lest we forget,  many a race, fight, trek and journey would not be properly finished without the needed  boost from the mysterious...

My Spot in the Tunnel!

For me the proverbial and eternal optimist, there is always some form of light at the end of the tunnel. Today, with COVID 19, we are all somewhere in that tunnel, and as my wife and best friend of near 42 years reminded me. Some see the light in the distance and some...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!!!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!! This is a RARE day indeed! Despite the events surrounding us: down markets; a serious Pandemic at all of our doorsteps; media flame throwing; political name calling & blaming; and a ballooning scarcity of things that wipe...

Scratch # 1, 2021 What’s next? 

Given Covid 19, and all of the upheaval of our accelerated use of technology, both informational, emotional and social, This flurry of change is creating a virtual gold mine of opportunities that we can intentionally morph into tools and practices that will make the...

Blinks and Scratches!

Good afternoon one and all! Thought it might be fun to offer a few comments on a few interesting “reads” that I have encountered over the past few years. Reading well doesn’t mean lots of pages and tons of words. It does mean getting the most out of your eyeball...


Good Morning! Today’s pop quiz! What do George Wythe and the Bee Gees have in common? They both believed that words are all we have. George as a matter of learning, preparing and performing and The Brothers, “to take your heart away”. Whether it is romance, learning,...

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