George’s Rules, lessons from the past,

For those of you that have attended one of my workshops in the past 3 years, you have probably heard me speak of George Wythe. He was a long-time resident of Williamsburg, Va. a legal scholar; a teacher & mentor; a patriot; and a signer of the Declaration of...

ExAwi Continued

As promised, we come back to the friendly territory of ExAwi for a critical conversation about ability, the illusive A of  EXAWi. First, a brief revisit of this strange sounding acronym. E stands for education, which in one form or another is abundantly available...


Where does it start? Doing more than you thought possible, or are you? Could you? Should you? Possible is the best combination of the four delivery factors: Education, Ability, Experience and Willingness! So what is up with us always wanting to climb higher mountains,...

A good way to start 2019!

Scratch #7, A good way to start 2019! An effective way to visit the past without staying there:  Simple Reflection! For those of us that try to live in the present, it is helpful to know of a tool and a process that permit visitation to the past without the added myre...

A Proper Waltz for the New Years! 123; 123; 123!

As we get closer and closer to 2019, the need to properly waltz into the next 12 months seems like a healthy place to start. So let's start with the time signature for a waltz, which is ¾; has a dance feel of 123, 123,123, and from a musician's view, three beats per...

Little, Less Simple and Small, Final

A helpful model when challenges and opportunities are nipping at our heels! Little, ______, Simple and Small! Guess what word goes in the blank space? If you said “Less” you would be right. As we have discussed, the downsized problem solving perspective is a far more...

Less is More, Continued

So let me tell you what has happened since then... That was then, this is now. More on Less is more. Monday, November, 5th, 2018! Then there is the customer service aspect of this discussion about more and less!! I am not condemning technology or anyone associated...

Scratch #3 Less is More

The next Scratch asks the questions, “How much more is less?” or “Is less really that much more?” Two really great questions that are tested every minute of our days and nights, informally and formally as well as intuitively and intentionally. In all respects, it...

Scratch #2, Curiosity didn’t kill the cat, it only made her better!

Scratch #2, Curiosity didn't kill the cat, it only made her better! At least that is the way I see it. The reverse of this cautious conclusion, came from playwright Ben Johnson in 1598. William Shakespeare was said to have uttered these words in one of...

Just what is a Scratch?

Just what is a Scratch? A scratch from here on will ever be known as, a shared thought from Mike. It represents a tribute to my Mom and Dad, Alma and Charlie B. They were both “scratch” performers. Mom as a cook/baker and Dad as a golfer. She made everything from...

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