Time is one of the few gifts of which we get the same  amount of everyday. 86,400 seconds show up in our experience inventory every 12:01am of the next day. Yet we somehow squander, overspend, ignore or otherwise waste this invaluable resource doing other things. We can be better at how we invest this wonderful set of seconds, minutes and hours. My wife and I recently binged watched a series of tributes and reviews about TV educator, Fred Rogers, who single handedly created a most warm and welcoming “neighborhood” of which all of us could feel a part. He did this out of a simple intention that every one of us deserves the right to feel both good and special. He also was very intentional that it begins with our children and flows from there to wherever we choose to allow it. He made an effort to live and broadcast this idea and turned it into an everlasting message. It isn’t too late for us. In fact the timing couldn’t be better to let someone know how much you care, rather than how much you know. Time to get out into your neighborhood.  M