More Reflections on From whence we start. Thursday, October 19, 2023

Back to the idea of “Getting it”

Just what is that, Getting it? The short answer is, seeing or building a bridge that leads us to another
person in helpful and respectful ways. It is a mixture of history, examples, and “little things” that we
have opportunely witnessed that will either guide or prevent us from doing and saying something that
we might later treasure or regret. Getting it means you understand what is going on within an
interaction within yourself or between others, and figuring out what to do, or not do about it. We don’t
always have to jump into the moment and fix something. Sometimes, we just might need to hold our
tongue, listen and walk away with an agenda to return and deliver impeccable words, well thought out
with assumptions clarified, and our very best effort at the ready, as we listen, learn and respond.

Next question: Just who needs to be good at this? Simple answer: Anyone who needs to influence
others or be influenced by them. So that basically means all of us at some point in time. In our “talks”,
we want to both share and explore simple tools and techniques that will facilitate our ability to
effectively interact, facilitate, relate and communicate. So if you want to have interactions that bring
these things about, learn to master the use of this simple model and you will find yourself in the Sweet
Spot most of the time.